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Karnische Alpen

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B Netlakovana cesta
C Mulatjera
D Gorska pot
E Opremljena pot (jeklenice in stopnice)
F Brezpotje

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R24 Neue Porze Hütte » Obstansersee Hütte
  |   5h35   |   14 km   |   1185 m   |   801 m

Od koče Porzehütte se pot nadaljuje stalno po gorskem svetu mimo koče Fillmoor-Standschützen Hütte, kjer se lahko pred prihodom na kočo Obstansersee Hütte., za kratko odpočijemo. Pot poteka najprej pod strmo dvigajočimi se pobočji Porze čez močvirnato območje jezera Oberen Stuckensee, ki se ogreje poleti lahko tudi do 19 stopinj.

Točka Odsek
Ime Storitve Informacija Markacija
Neue Porze Hütte
1935 m
| CD  4 km / 1h10
2146 m
| CD  2 km / 0h30
Ob. Stuckensee
2039 m
| CD  1 km / 1h00
2342 m
| CD  3.5 km / 0h55
1932 m
| D  2.5 km / 1h40
2404 m
| D  1 km / 0h20
Obstansersee Hütte
2303 m
Podrobni opis poti
Naravna in kulturna dediščina
Druge velike pešpoti in variante
Planinska pot Südalpiner Weitwanderweg 03, Pot KGW Kärntner Grenzwanderweg. Geo-Trail in pot miru. Različice: od škrbine Porzescharte po plezalni poti Sentiero d´Ambros Corrado do sedla Filmoorsattel. Od koče Filmoor-Standschützen-Hütte- sedla Filmoor Sattel- pot 160 severno mimo Gr. Kinigata (lahko se povzpnemo tudi na 2.689m) – vrh Pfannspitze 2.678m – do koče Obstansersee Hütte.
Koristni topografski zemljevidi
  • WK 182, Lienzer Dolomiten, Lesachtal ~ Freytag&Berndt (1:50.000)
  • ÖK 50 195 ~ Bundesamt für Eich-und Vermessungswesen (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 47, Lienzer Dolomiten - Lesachtal - Karnischer Höhenweg ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
  • Nr.017 ~ Tabacco (1:25.000)
Koristni pohodniški vodniki
  • Kulturweg Alpen Bd 1, Gerhard Stürzlinger ~ Pichler (ISBN 3-85431-288-1)
  • Karnische Alpen u. Friaul, Ingrid Pilz ~ Styria (ISBN )
  • AV-Führer Karnischer Hauptkamm, P. Holl ~ (ISBN )
  • Naturkundlicher Führer Via Alpina - Karnischer Kamm, Walter Mair ~ Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (ISBN )
  • Österreichischer Weitwanderweg 03 "Südalpenweg", Sekt. Weitwanderer ~ Sekt. Weitwanderer (ISBN )

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max. 1000 znakov
  • Ingo - 23.9.30
    If you want to skip Obstanserseehütte, there is a good option! You climb Pfannspitze, but then only follow the official trail down towards Obstanserseehütte for about ten minutes. Then you reach a sign that indicates "Eisenreich 2 hours". You have to follow that trail! It´s quite easy walking, a bit up and down, no difficulties at all. We reached Eisenreich within one and a half hours and eliminated 150 or 200 metres of elevation loss (and gain on the other side).
  • Valentine - 23.7.13
    You have to stop to Filmoor Hütte. It’s a family hut, they are running it for more generations. The place is amazing, the staff is just so nice and the food was the best we had so far (thanks Alberto). We had our best night here, and the schnaps was by far not the only reason :)
  • Julien Trieste Monaco - 22.8.15
    Left the 403 trail for good at Filmoor Hütte due to bad weather.
    Went to Filmoor saddle and from there to malga Della manze and passo Silvella. Really easy going and doable in bad weather. Ended up at Sesto but you can stop at Malga Nemes.
    Had lunch at Filmoor Hütte as I was running out of food. Best food so far on trail. They prepared a meal that was as good as what is prepared at really good restaurants. And nice staff too.
  • Oliver - 22.7.21
    Sorry the previous comment should be pass cavalino on the Westside rather than on the Eastside as the gpx indicates.
  • Oliver - 22.7.21
    The gpx track after Filimoorhut should be considered as a super bad weather alternative. In normal conditions it makes no sense to follow this track at all. Not only does it add 500 unnecessary vertical meters but it also robs you of the splendid view from the Pfannspitze. After Filimoorhut just follow the marked 403 trail following the ridge and pass monte cavalino on the Eastside Rather than descend on the west as the gpx indicates. It is a well maintained path with glorious views and I would only consider skipping it in very bad weather conditions. Also, consider staying at Filimoorhut, it has a super nice team an location.
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    After descending on the Italian side in the direction of the end of R24, in continuingly bad weather, I used the app to find a valley route to Sexten; the route turned out to be on hiking trails, forest roads, and occasionally on country roads. There are dozens of signposted trails in the lower regions, off the ridge. I enjoyed a mostly rain-free and at times even sunny day while the ridge was in clouds all day. (I covered a bit more distance as well as elevation gain than the official R24-R26 stages to Sexten do, and walked into Sexten rather than taking a gondola. And I saw some interesting villages rather than clouds only.)
  • Veronique et Bruno - 18.9.23

    Attention à bien tourner à gauche à hauteur du refuge et à le laisser sur votre droite (il s'agit d'une simple cabane non gardée) Tscharrhütte dans la vallée d’Erschbaumertal.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Bodite previdni in zavijete levo na višini zatočišča in ga pustite na desni (to je preprosta koča, ki ni varovana) Tscharrhütte v dolini Erschbaumertal.
  • POPEYE GG - 18.6.13
    29 juin 2017
    Temps pas très engageant encore aujourd'hui, mais qui s'est amélioré en arrivant au premier refuge (Filmoor-Standschützenhütte), et finalement nous décidons de continuer. A l'arrivée à la Obstanserhütte, un hélicoptère faisait des rotations pour acheminer les matériaux pour l'amélioration de l'unité de traitement des eaux du refuge (du moins, c'est ce que j'ai compris).
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    29. junij 2017 Danes ni preveč razburljiv čas, vendar se je izboljšal pri prihodu na prvo zavetišče (Filmoor-Standschützenhütte) in končno smo se odločili nadaljevati. Ob prihodu v Obstanserhütte se je helikopter vrnil, da bi dobavil material za izboljšanje enote za čiščenje vode v zavetišču (vsaj tako sem razumel).
  • Eva - 17.9.15
    Filmoor and Obstanersee Hütte have no problem with camping. A bit below the Neue Porzehütte there is a lake, the Klapfsee which has an excellent tenting spot. The GPS track differs from the marked route between Obstanersee and Filmoor. I followed the marks and hiked the ridge trail on the border. Even though it was completely covered with clouds and super windy, it was beautiful. At Filmoor Hütte it was nice and quiet, such a difference with the other places. I sure recommend staying or camping there.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Filmoor in Obstanersee Hütte nimata težav s kampiranjem. Malo pod Neue Porzehütte je jezero, Klapfsee, ki ima odlično mesto za šotore. Pot GPS se razlikuje od označene poti med Obstanersee in Filmoor. Sledil sem oznakam in hodil po grebenski poti na meji. Čeprav je bila popolnoma prekrita z oblaki in super vetrovno, je bila lepa. V Filmoorju Hütte je bilo lepo in tiho, tako razliko od drugih krajev. Priporočam, da ostanete ali kampirate tam.
  • tof - 14.12.25
    Trieste-Monaco le 18/7/14

    Neige dans la descente pour Obstanserseehutte. Petit déjeuner copieux à ce refuge.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Trst-Monako na 18/07/14 Sneg v spustu Obstanserseehutte. Izvrsten zajtrk na tej zatočišče.
  • Daniel - 13.9.15
    The Porze- and Obstanzerseehutte are hotel-like huts. If you prefer the small-scale isolated mountain huts, stay at Filmoor.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Porze in Obstanzerseehutte so podobni hotelu koče. Če vam je ljubše manjše odročnih gorskih koč v, bivanje v Filmoor.
  • Giovanni Mazzolani - 11.2.21
    Lo scorso luglio, con mio figlio ho pernottato al Filmoor. Ottima ospitalità e menù abbondanti con varie scelte. Ringrazio il gestore Gunter per l'indicazione dell'itinerario di discesa a valle, avendo mio figlio un trauma a un ginocchio per caduta.
    Giovanni Mazzolani Italia
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Julija lani, z mojim sinom sem bil Filmoor. Velika turistična ponudba in bogat meni z več izbire. Zahvaljujem se vodja Günter za označevanje poti v dolino, moj sin je imel poškodbo kolena padec. John Mazzolani Italiji
Zadnja sprememba : 19.12.15