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Quality : very good
Groscavallo / Ala di Stura / Balme

Key to symbols   
Stage point (start or end of stage)
Intermediate accommodation possibility
Town, village
Other locality

Bakery / grocery
Hardware / sports shop
Bank / cash dispenser
Open automobile access

A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail

Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
D30 Pialpetta » Balme
7h40   |   15.9 km   |   1626 m   |   1252 m

From Pialpetta the trail follows the GTA trail to the Trione pass. From the pass the trail heads down to Lake Vasuero and some pastures. From Alpe Pian del Bosco it then continues to the road along the bottom of the Vale of Ala and all the way to Balme.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
1070 m
| D  8.1 km / 4h40
Colle del Trione
2480 m
| D  1 km / 0h30
Lago Vasuero
2249 m
| D  4.4 km / 1h45
1414 m
| D  2.4 km / 0h45
1457 m
Detailed route description
Other long-distance trails and alternative routes
The route partly follows GTA stages 225 & 226.
Useful topographic maps
  • 2 ~ IGC Valli di Lanzo e Moncenisio (1: 50000)
Useful guidebooks
  • Camminaitali, Carnovalini, Cannobini, Valsesia ~ le guide di Airone, Mondadori (ISBN 1995)

Favourites, criticisms ? Make your personal comments on this stage. For more general notes please use the comments section of the page Over to the Via Alpinists.

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  • FX - 2023-10-14
    Selon descriptif Itinéraire réalisé de Riale (D1) à MontCenis (D34) du 19/08 au 12/09/23.
    Encore une belle montée de 1000 à 2500m. Aucun problème de balisage pour monter au Col de Trione. Petit bivouac possible près de Gia del Laghi.
    Après le Col, chemin mal dessiné, balisage peu visible et pancartes aux indications de temps farfelues jusqu'à San Giacomo. Ensuite, suivre la route jusqu'à Balme. N'hésitez pas à aller à l'usine d'embouteillage d'eau (petit magasin) et à l'épicerie voisine, puis à vous rendre au PostoTappa les montagnards (accueil adorable, excellente cuisine, carte de rando...)
    La carte n°17 de l'Escursionista editore aide à bien visualiser le parcours et les différentes options possibles.
    Trace GPX :
  • Peter - 2016-07-12
    Neue Struktur, schöne Zimmer, gutes Essen , man den Duft einer alten Vergangenheit atmen kann , die Besitzer sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit für alles , spricht Valentina Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch. Schließlich sind die Lebenshaltungskosten ganz zufrieden . Um bald wieder!!!
    Automatic translation [Google]
    New structure, nice rooms, good food, you can breathe the scent of an old past, the owners are very friendly and helpful for everything, Valentina speaks German, English, French. After all, the cost of living is quite satisfied. See you soon !!!
  • Freeman - 2016-07-12
    I have been in both Camussot and Montagnards and I prefer the Posto Tappa Camussot!!!!
  • bonacorsi valentina - 2016-07-02
    Seit May 2015, das al Posto Tappa dienende 'Albergo Camussot' (nach Renovierung) hat wieder geoefnet!!! Die neue Betrieberin Valentina Bonacorsi kann Deutch sprechen!!! Infos unter
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Since May 2015, the al Posto Tappa serving 'Albergo Camussot' (after renovation) has been reopened !!! The new operator Valentina Bonacorsi can speak English! Information at
  • tarjako - 2013-07-21
    Les Montagnards highly recommened! In Balme there's no shop anymore, do your shopping in Pialpetta.
  • Sabine Bade - 2013-02-26
    Wie bereits erwähnt, wurde in Balme das als Posto Tappa dienende 'Albergo Camussot' Anfang 2012 geschlossen.
    Antonella und Guido Rocci betreiben nun das 'Les Montagnards'. Nähere Infos unter
    Automatic translation [Google]
    As already mentioned, was closed in early 2012 Balme serving as Posto Tappa 'Albergo Camussot'. Antonella Guido Rocci and now operate the 'Les Montagnards'. More details at Sabine
  • Sabine Bade - 2012-02-21
    Das bisher als Posto Tappa in Balme dienende ‚Albergo Camussot’ wurde am 7. Januar 2012 geschlossen. Deren bisherige Betreiber Antonella und Guido Rocci eröffnen im Juni 2012 im Ortsteil Cornetti ein neues Posto Tappa. Nähere Infos folgen.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    The far as Posto Tappa serving in Balme, Albergo Camussot was' on 7 January 2012. Whose previous owner Antonella Guido Rocci and open in June 2012 in the district Cornetti a new Posto Tappa. More information will follow. Sabine
  • Martine keller - 2011-06-16
    Dans le sens Balme - Pialpetta:
    Balisage parfois ambigu ou absent notamment aux Granges (altitude 1767m) avant Alpe Vasuera, où il faut partir direction nord-est.
    Automatic translation [Google]
    In the sense Balme - Pialpetta: Markup sometimes ambiguous or absent including Granges (altitude 1767m) before Alpe Vasuera, where he must go north-easterly direction.
  • ROUSSELLE - 2010-01-04
    Attention dans la montée depuis Balme au Col Trione de ne pas passer par le Bivouac Molino (retour difficile sur l'itinéraire)
    Automatic translation [Google]
    Attention in the ascent from Balme Col Trione not go through the Bivouac Molino (back hard on the route)
  • fabio - 2009-08-13
    tutto il sentiero (salita e discesa) in pessimo stato; vaghe tracce, bolli non sempre evidenti
    Automatic translation [Google]
    the trail (up and down) in a very bad state; vague traces, marks are not always evident
Last update : 2014-07-23