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Alpine crossing by the Talander school: a full-feature movie and a presence on two international film festivals

About a year ago, twelve children from the Talander school, supported by one of our first Via Alpina Travel Fellowships, succeeded in a 3-week crossing along the Via Alpina. The short movie made from their journey offered a moving account on the positive effects of hiking for these “special needs” students, who tremendously gained in self-confidence and developed their social skills.

Via Talander, 2011Film-maker Sylvia Rother has now realised a full-length movie on their adventure, leaving a large space to the spontaneous reactions by the children during the walk. The premiere of the movie will take place within the 10th Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival (Upper Bavaria) Saturday 20 October at 5pm. The children, their teacher Berthold Brommer and their social worker Andrea Nenning will be present.

They will then travel on to the International.Mountain.Summit festival in Bressanone (South Tyrol) for a projection-debate of the short video on Monday 22 October, 5pm.

Sylvia Rothe’s full-feature movie will be available on DVD in a few weeks – watch this space!